Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Speed Geeking Sign Up

Please complete this survey. This will be how you choose your speed geeking session. Please do it by the end of the day. https://docs.google.com/a/parkhill.k12.mo.us/forms/d/1IeupSvwcQU1bgkUthiA2DeVHocMTDAn-0MjiA2NBQ_U/viewform

Friday, March 7, 2014


Please go onto this webiste. I want you to look at all of the pins on the board. Find a pin that you think would be fun to work with. Work WITH your computer partner to create something using one of these tools! Have fun!


Tiffany Ridge Sneak Peek

Tiffany Ridge Sneak Peek
Timberwolves Pride