Monday, January 27, 2014

Nelson Atkins Field trip

We are excited to share with you that Tiffany Ridge Fourth Grade will be taking a field trip to The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art on Wednesday, February 26th.  This field trip consists of a tour and hands-on experience related to the history of and resources in the various regions of North America. Student’s will need to pay for the studio portion. ($6) Please let us know if this is an issue and we will work with you to make this trip possible. As well as how these factors impacted Native American Indians.  This is a fun way to bring our fourth grade social studies curriculum to life and create a memorable experience that they can bring back to classroom learning and curriculum discussions. 
We will be leaving from the school at approximately 9:00 a.m. and returning at approximately 2:00 p.m., so students are able to arrive and dismiss from the school in their normal fashion on that day.  Please be aware that we are leaving very shortly after school begins that morning so please be sure your child is at school on time that day so that they make it on the bus with their class and are not left behind!
Students will need to bring their own lunch and drink, or order a lunch ahead from the school cafĂ©. We will be eating at the museum that day.  Each student will be responsible for keeping track of their lunch and personal items so please consider this when preparing lunch and drink for the day.  We encourage you to pack lunch in disposable containers and lunch sacks, so that students are able to discard their lunches and enjoy the rest of the tour.

We are looking for adult chaperones to go with us on this field trip. This trip is no cost for chaperones. If you would like to chaperone, please indicate this on the form below. We are not sure how many we will be able to take, but should know more once all the forms are returned. Chaperones will be responsible for a group of students (5-7) and will need to be able to do a considerable amount of walking and standing throughout the day.  In addition, younger children will not be able to join us on this trip, because of the nature of this trip.

 Please be sure to return BOTH forms  and your student’s $6 by  Friday, February 14th

Thank You!


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Tiffany Ridge Sneak Peek
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