Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Gingerbread People...and Cyclopes!

This morning we  celebrated our classroom compliments by creating gingerbread people, and some monsters! As we made the icing we talked about mixtures and how once a mixture is made we can break it back into pieces (think Chex Mix). We also talked about solutions, which are much more difficult to break apart once they have been made (we compared these to Kool Aid). We will be diving more into mixtures in solution in science and will be using this understanding for some of our experiments. Today during our party we talked about how science and math sneak into everything we do! Thank you so much to our families who donated sprinkles, powdered sugar, and candy ( a special thanks to the Connollys who came and helped us pass out the variety of pieces). We had several left over pieces and we are hoping to earn another compliment part shortly so that we can have a gingerbread house party! What a great motivator to keep our students motivated and focused during this winter season.  Here are a few pictures from today’s celebration! 

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Tiffany Ridge Sneak Peek

Tiffany Ridge Sneak Peek
Timberwolves Pride