Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Type to Learn Feedback

Today our students tried out Type to Learn. It's a new program we will be using to replace Mavis Beacon. Today we talked about giving feedback, and how important it is to make sure we give positive and negative sides so that our feedback is helpful. Below students will be commenting and leaving feedback about this new program!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

What Interests You?

We are working on researching, but I think the first step to being a really great researcher is knowing ow to find things that interest you. Today students looked for articles from Time for Kids and Science for Kids, they will be posting the links that they think are most interesting in the comments section of this post. Enjoy!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Here We Go Again: Should Kids Have Phones?

This is an issue that we are hearing about all the time. Should kids as young as 6 be allowed to have cell phones. There are many arguments for both sides and we are going to break the issue apart in our own way. Students will be doing some research and posting comments about their reasoning behind allowing kids to have personal cell phones! Check back for comments!

Time for Kids: Cell Phones for Kids

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Time for Kids Person of the Year

We listen to Flocabulary. We read Time for Kids. We watch 

TV and listen to the news. We are the future....right? Then 

let's voice our opinions. Time for Kids has an election going

 for the Time For Kids Person of the Year. There are 12 

candidates who have been nominated. Students have 

chosen who they think will be the best pick and will be 

posting comments below to try to persuade you. 

Here is the article for a little more information:

Time for Kids: Person of the Year

The TFK POY Nominees:

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Gingerbread People...and Cyclopes!

This morning we  celebrated our classroom compliments by creating gingerbread people, and some monsters! As we made the icing we talked about mixtures and how once a mixture is made we can break it back into pieces (think Chex Mix). We also talked about solutions, which are much more difficult to break apart once they have been made (we compared these to Kool Aid). We will be diving more into mixtures in solution in science and will be using this understanding for some of our experiments. Today during our party we talked about how science and math sneak into everything we do! Thank you so much to our families who donated sprinkles, powdered sugar, and candy ( a special thanks to the Connollys who came and helped us pass out the variety of pieces). We had several left over pieces and we are hoping to earn another compliment part shortly so that we can have a gingerbread house party! What a great motivator to keep our students motivated and focused during this winter season.  Here are a few pictures from today’s celebration! 

A Panda Parade is a Terrible Idea

In writing we continue to talk about persuasive writing and the power that our words, supported by evidence can have. Students read the book A Pig Parade is a Terrible Idea, by Michael Ian Black this week. At the end of the book the author points out that a Panda Parade might be perfect. Our students did some research yesterday and dug for evidence of why a panda parade would be just as bad, and might even worse, than a pig parade. Our students came up with great examples of how our cute and cuddly friends might show some of their bear like qualities! Their illustrations and thoughts will be shared on the blog over the next few days. 

Tiffany Ridge Sneak Peek

Tiffany Ridge Sneak Peek
Timberwolves Pride